
5 Things About Social Media Marketing You Should Learn This Week

These days, social media marketing is a big part of online success. Things are always changing and there is tons you can learn, so this week weíve chosen 5 things about social media marketing that you should know about.

#1 Daily Buffer
You may not have heard of ëDaily Bufferí before, but now is a great time to learn just how this tool can help you. This mobile app will present you with content that you can read and share. Every day fresh content is generated and delivered to you. The headlines with links will arrive daily on your device and you can quickly swipe them away if the content doesnít interest you.

#2 Take Advantage of Value Voting from Fans
There are a number of ways you can utilize social media to learn about your audience and one of those is to use polls. With a poll you can ask your fans a question and then get their response. By doing so you can better target your market and take advantage of what it is they are looking for.

#3 Create Your Very own Wish List
You can tap into the needs of your audience by allowing them to submit their wish list. You can offer them a chance to win a giveaway just for uploading their wish list and then using the hashtag #wishlist. When you offer incentives for participation, you can learn a lot about your audience.

#4 Look for Ways to Enjoy a High ROI
You want your return on investment to make it worth your time to carry out the task at hand. You want to create a strong identity. Donít waste your time and money on marketing adventures that offer a minimal return on your investment.

#5 Invest in Vine Videos
Hereís another area of social media you might not be aware of. Vine video works hard to keep its followers excited and you can share these. In under 10 seconds, you can tweet with your favorite Vine video and interact with relevant material to your audience.

When it comes to social media you need to remember that this can be a powerful marketing tool when used right. Yes, you can make posts that are really not relevant to anything more than keeping your social media channels active. However, a much better approach is to recognize that your time is money and you are in business to make money, so make sure what you are doing with social media is effective.

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